Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Toilet Replacement Parts - Woman Loses Skin in Painful Toilet Prank - This Old Toilet - 650-483-1139

A Georgia woman wants answers after an apparent prank at a Home Depot -- someone put glue on the toilet seat she used in the store and ship stuck -- for more than an hour. Paramedics eventually freed her but the rescue after a painful injuries including -- -- She says she's now spending all her time on -- capture. Whoever decided if it wasn't I was -- probably.
I -- our I can understand why they weren't just taking me to the emergency there may have a doctor remove it on the ground woman I can't even -- Now she wants to know who put the glue on the toilet seat however the sheriff's office has -- -- security camera footage and they say they have found absolutely no evidence of anyone else entering the restroom. During that time Home -- says it has tried to get in touch with her. That is just the strangest story.
Apparently didn't do -- -- the -- that they used. Eventually. I guess get that -- free.
So. OK so the -- is obviously the prank but also the fact that she. But is upset that they didn't just take the toilet seat off with her on it and take her to the hospital to let the doctors later that evening -- Yes so you know we don't know what kind of glue was as I'm talking about anything yet more have reason to homer.


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